Transforming spaces into a digital ecosystem

Juganu leverages lighting infrastructure to provide a wireless computer vision platform and advanced services for a more productive, connected, and safe environment indoors and outdoors


Global strategic partnerships:

Transforming spaces into a digital ecosystem

Juganu leverages lighting infrastructure to provide a wireless computer vision platform and advanced services for a more productive, connected, and safe environment indoors and outdoors


Global strategic partnership:

Unified wireless platform | Powerful AI applications

Light up your space with Juganu's smart fixtures. They're more than illumination; they're a network of sensors, feeding valuable data to a built-in computer vision brain. Your space transforms into a data ecosystem, boosting safety, efficiency, and connectivity.

Juganu for Smart City

Juganu for Smart Retail

A different kind of thinking.

Embedded sensors in lighting fixtures make it much simpler and have wider capabilities. Juganu built a wireless platform that allows you to transform public spaces into a computer vision ecosystem in days and demonstrate value quickly.

Energy-efficient and Sustainable Solutions

Less energy Up to 80%

Contribute to ESG goals

Less materials

Ready to connect the world with us?

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