Quality, Privacy & Environmental Policy

Juganu aim is to ensure that the needs of our customers are clearly understood and met through close liaison at all stages of work.
Ultimate responsibility within the company rests with the Board of Directors, who are responsible for all matters pertaining to the Quality, Privacy, and Environmental System.
The Company’s Quality, Privacy, and Environmental Policy calls for continual improvement in its quality management activities, and business will be conducted according to the following principles:
We are committed to:
- Comply with all applicable statutory laws and regulations.
- Follow a concept of continuously improving the effectiveness of this quality management system and make best use of our management resources in all Quality and Privacy matters.
- Communicate our Quality and Privacy objectives and our performance against these objectives throughout the company and to interested parties.
- Take due care to ensure that activities are safe for employees, associates and subcontractors and others who come into contact with our work.
- Work closely with our customers and suppliers to establish the highest Quality and Privacy standards.
- Adopt a forward-looking view on future business decisions, which may have Quality impacts.
- Train our staff in the needs and responsibilities of Quality & Privacy Management and provide the personnel and resources to ensure that the importance of meeting and exceeding customer requirements is communicated and understood throughout our organization.
- Conduct all work to a high professional standard with technical and commercial integrity.
- Promote resource and energy conservation and minimize releases to air, water, and land of toxic substances, reduce pollution, emissions, and waste.
- Understand information security needs and the necessity of establishing policy and objectives for information security;
- Implement and operate controls and measures for managing the organization’s overall information security risk;
- Monitor and review the performance and effectiveness of the ISMS; and continual improvement based on objective measurement.
To supply our customers with the products and services they require, we have developed a Quality Management System that satisfies the requirements of ISO 9001-2015 , ISO 14001:2015 and ISO 27001:2013.
Warranty: 5 years with extended warranties available.
As a world-leading lighting company, we have created a light that lights, sees, connects, and thinks. Combining revolutionary light technology, ultra-sensitive sensors, and edge-based AI into adaptive platforms, we introduce the Foam: a disruptive ecosystem that is setting a new standard for next-generation wireless networks, providing unlimited accessibility, and enabling smart technologies.
We strive to create a fully connected world that offers people intelligent and sustainable solutions for all areas of life.
The guarantee is valid from the time of delivery.
We work regularly with leading international laboratories UL/TUV and all Juganu fixtures are compliant with the regulations.
Quality Certificates
ISO 9001-2015
Download English ISO 9001-2015 Certificate
Download Hebrew ISO 9001-2015 Certificate
ISO 14001-2015
Download English ISO 14001-2015 Certificate
Download Hebrew ISO 14001-2015 Certificate
ISO 27001-2013
Download English ISO 27001-2013 Certificate
Download Hebrew ISO 27001-2013 Certificate
ISO 27701-2019
Download English ISO 27701-2019 Certificate
Download Hebrew ISO 27701-2019 Certificate
Quality Assessment Requirements for Suppliers